Registration fees:
An accepted paper will be published
in the conference proceedings only if associated to a
professional fee received and correctly processed by September
1st, 2023.
SBIC is promoting its membership to
foster a network of contacts in the area of computational
intelligence and promote benefits in future events. So we invite
everyone who is interested in becoming a SBIC member to register
in one of the + SBIC membership categories.
Each professional fee allows
publishing at most two papers. An extra fee of R$ 300,00 is
charged for each additional paper.
Only papers presented during the
conference will be published in the online proceedings.
Students should present at the
conference check-in desk a proof or registration from their
All registration types allow
participation in the EBIC tutorials, CBIC paper presentations and
plenary sessions. Professional registrations include a single
ticket for the conference diner.
Additional tickets may be purchased
for R$ 100,00 during the registration.